Feb 3, 2010

COGIT Sauna Burn Fat Mask for Entire Face

Ok, I really have an obsession with face slimming I admit. Why wasn't I born with a slim, svelte, small head...sigh... with deep set cheekbones....
So anyway in my boredom I decided to google face slimming producs and came across this!

The COGIT Sauna Burn Fat Mask for Entire Face. This is the full name of the product! Yes, and it's pink but really, what will my husband think when he sees a female Hannibal Lector in his bed?? And best of all it states that it will burn fat off your face for an entire day! So we go to work with it too?
Maybe come up with a floral design...? Or how about Camo?
But anyway, this website is jam packed with yummy looking products! Go check it out!

1 comment:

aunty aud said...

sama sama thinking with my nephew-inlaw!