May 28, 2007

Powderfuu News

First post

Beginnings and endings are hardest. You'd think that beginnings are no sweat but to get to the beginning, there had to be an ending somewhere. And to be at the ending, there will always be a beginning around the corner.
Enough of dramatic talk.
I am a make-up artist! i love make-up, making people beautiful, making people happy. Just like any other girl, i love shoes, handbags, clothes. my eyes light up when i see a stunning handbag or a sexy pair of shoes, so foolishly easy to make me happy (and i dare say half the female population too!) but this is me.
Recently, i have discovered a new love. And it's priceless! Cause when i'm with my new love, i forget the shoes, the bags, the clothes, i swear! after 33 years of living, i've finally discovered the forest. Of course i have to thank my husband (Carl) for this beautiful discovery. He came from the forest! Lived and played and had wonderful adventures in it! Listening to his stories about his childhood is like reading a fairy tale story and all i feel is awe and a little bit of jealousy. I have just found my eden on this earth and it fills me with warmth and great comfort knowing that.
I was strongly influenced by a sweet young woman named Tilda to start this blog (and also Carl who pushes and nudges me time and again to do something!). One day i googled my name to search for my listings and came across a swedish blog! My name on a swedish blog! I was blown away! Of course Carl had to do the translating for me (I have to learn the language fast!), and it was sweet Tilda who wrote an article on me. That article brought me to tears! She talked about how she met this wonderful make-up artist from Singapore who was so nice and warm, i know, i'm blowing my own horn but i can't help it! It was one of the nicest things someone has done for me and it's touched my heart : ). Thank you dear Tilda!
So here is my beginning

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